Archive for the ‘desi’ Category

since i have more or less completely lost whatever smattering of creative ability i once had, and since you have obviously not lost your desire to read my stuff, i will take the middle road, not the one robert frost (two roads diverged in a wood and I – I took the one less travelled by) and […]

as a rule i keep my friends and family separate. this is not because i don’t like my family or because i like my friends too much but because if you’re a desi the way you categorise relatives is already very complicated without throwing in the friend card. let me explain. there are different names […]

it has been said that attempts at creativity, like writing, revive, and occasionally even resurrect, the dying (or dead, depending on how deep your faith is) brain cells that are the collateral damage of the mental exhaustion that goes along with the husool-e-rizq-e-halal policy that is the bane (and also the salvation) of my brothers-in-faith […]

in every fat man there is a thin man screaming to get out. in every colonial desi man there is a gora screaming to get out. in every fat colonial desi man there is a thin gora screaming to get out. which is why i have deep sympathies for the thin goras at barbecue delight […]

i apologise. i have disrespected the pakilandish engish teaching system loud and long, with a special focus on the parha likha punjab. this was totally uncalled for and i now acknowledge that inzimam ul haq sounds like an oxford don when compared with some of his fellow punjabis from across the border. respect, also, to […]

sometimes you hear things that remind you so achingly of home that its unbelievable. most of the time these things are ridiculous. but that’s understandable when you’re from pakiland. every pakistani, no matter how attuned or acclimatized or whatever the word is to wherever he might be, has an element of pakistaniat, as i beleve the […]

nahin nahin. not naz pan masala. that would be too bloody obvious. and i was never the naz type anyway. shahi deluxe was more my style until i decided to singlehandedly make the guy who owns wrigley’s a multibillionaire. plus why anyone would want to eat something like sonf after coating in it the thing […]

be careful what you wish for. it might just… millions of years ago when dinosaurs roamed the earth and the ice age meant there was a market for gas heaters in sibi and jacobabad; the tectonic plates had not shifted all that much and punjab was still a part of mongolia. the region was socially […]

” kaali kaali bakreean, oon hai kya?” well the translator/lyricist/rip-off-artist puts it as “jee haan, jee haan, teen thaileean.” the more likely riposte from any self respecting black sheep, however, would be, ‘uloo ke pathay, “sheep” ko kehtay hain “dumba”.’ the point being that where there’s a smart aleck who thinks he did a good job translating […]

while the province braces for another spate of drama, emotion, violence, rage, lies, deceit and corruption – no i’m not talking about a new star plus serial; benazir’s going to larkana – deep in the interior of the mysterious 140,000 square kilometres known as sindh, there is, even as you read this, a bunch of […]

when great writers can’t write, they write about not being able to write. that, among other reasons, is why they’re great writers. hillaire belloc, yes he of “cautionary tales” fame, once wrote an essay called on the death of my muse in his collection, on nothing. that the guy was a racist and an absolute bounder is somewhat […]

the telenor marketing staff is abolutely unbelievable. as in your face as the guys distributing those aaya bengali, chhaaya bengali, mehboob ko qadmon mein laaya bengali flyers. the one that promise cures for everything from influenza to impotence. the other day i was at one of their offices paying my mother’s bill when this chick behind […]

when the guys at suzuki, lets call them takeshi and hideichiro, created the suzuki fx back in prehistoric days, they probably had lots of dreams attached to it. they must have hoped for a car that would outrun the flintstones’ jalopy, not get snowed under in the ice age and have windscreen wipers strong enough […]

while there is something patently unethical, unjust, and, to some people, unconscionable about buying for thirty rupees software that should have cost something in the range of five thousand dollars; there is, at the same time, a feeling of great satisfaction at having in your hands a cd full of all the goodies you can imagine […]

most of the people who read this blog write in some form or the other. well actually all do – my point being that most people who read this crap write creatively. well what would you guys and, for that matter, you bakras, do if someone stole the novel you just wrote and got it […]